Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a new spinoff of Metal
Gear Solid starring everyone's favorite guy who stands in for
Solid Snake when Snake is too busy doing cool stuff offscreen that we
don't get to see to be the playable character, Raiden.
as one of the three people in the English-speaking world who actually
liked Raiden even before he made his transformation from Who the Hell
Is This Blond Guy Who's Not Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2 to
terrifyingly deadly sword-wielding cyborg cutscene ninja in Metal
Gear Solid 4, I'm glad to see Raiden getting his day in the sun. It's
a pity that it had to be accompanied by the most gratingly stupid
name for a game since Toki: Going ApeSpit, but you can't have
The game is set years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Raiden- who seems to have adopted the three-packs-a-day Lucky Strikes Grizzled Badass Voice Training regimen at some point- is working as a military contractor in a war-torn country. There's an invasion or coup d'etat by an army that appears to be led by an evil bald cyborg. Much swordplay ensues.
Featuring Eric "Butterbean" Esch in a special guest appearance! |
the other hand, a lot of that blood is spewing out of damaged armored
which makes less sense than virtually anything whatsoever. (Yeah, we've already seen something similar in Metal
Gear Solid 4.
That merely pushes the what-the-fuckness of it back a step.)
It looks pretty cool, with Raiden using his superhuman cyborg ninja
agility and swordsmanship to cut a swath through hordes of enemy
soldiers and robots, a slow-mo mechanic that lets Raiden make deadly
precision strikes, and all sorts of crazy stunts and feats of
badassery putting me in mind of Devil May Cry or Vanquish. I also
think giving a new game starring Raiden a very different style of
gameplay from mainline Metal Gear Solid games is a good idea
since, assuming it's done well, it makes Raiden a character who's
interesting and exciting in his own way, rather than returning him to
his original Metal Gear Solid 2 role as the Curly Joe to Solid
Snake's Curly. (Which would make Big Boss the Shemp in this analogy,
I suppose.)
Also, kudos to however created the trailer. I never thought I'd see
the day when I'd have the words “badass” and “Depeche Mode”
appear in the same thought together, but I've been proven wrong.